Monthly Archives: November 2010

  • What’s your Favorite Comfort Food?

    When I crave comfort food, I create a concoction we always called “peanut butter and molasses in a dish”. I’m not sure why we added the “in a dish” part, particularly since we mixed it in and..

  • Would You Like to See the Future?

    Have you seen the TV show Flash Forward? In the show which aired for one season in 2009, the whole world blacks out for two minutes and seventeen seconds. During that time most people have a vision..

  • How Do You Celebrate?

    In our family when we have something to celebrate, our celebration dinner begins with a shrimp ring. Someone got a high grade on a report card… have a shrimp ring; someone’s High School GPA is amazing… have..

  • What do you Value Most in Life?

    My daughter and son are away in Ontario until Christmas. We have occasional “video visits” to stay connected which really help to alleviate the homesickness. I actually think they like them too! One Saturday afternoon my son..

  • What Do You Admire in Others?

    They say the qualities we admire in others are qualities we have but don’t recognize in ourselves. If this is  true, I must be amazing! In my healing work I once listened to a client  bemoan the..