Articles Posted by the Author

  • How to Step Into the Now

    We often talk about living in the now here at Life, for instance. There are numerous books about it, notably, The Power of Now. Years ago a friend loaned me that book but I couldn’t get into it,..

  • What Will Your TED Talk be About?

    I love watching those amazing TED Talks. They represent years of thought, research, writing and teaching of the concepts about which the presenter is passionate all distilled into an eighteen-minute presentation! Imagine it’s you giving one of..

  • Is it Better to Have Loved and Lost…

    “I hold it true, whate’er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; ‘Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all.” -Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem In Memoriam:27, 1850 Growing up, I..

  • Do You Use Home Remedies?

    My husband, who was part of a very large family living in the country, was not given to running to the hospital at any little problem. I was with him on that. To seek natural remedies for..

  • How Do You Let Go?

    Have you learned how to let go of negative emotions;  hurts you no longer need in your life? It’s ironic, isn’t it, that we would hold on to something that hurts us? It may that we are..

  • What’s Your Deal-Breaker?

    Do you ever notice that some things bother other people which would never bother you and other things really upset you which don’t even ruffle the feathers of your friends? We’re all so different.This is why good..

  • Your Reality – or Mine?

    I read a great article the other day by Bob Burg about listening. Listening well is extremely difficult to do when someone close to you has a problem and you believe you have answers, because if you..

  • Should You Keep That Secret?

    What do you do when something exciting happens in your life? Do you share it with someone close to you, someone who will understand and celebrate with you? Have you ever noticed that after you’ve shared your..