Articles Posted in the " community " Category

  • Are You Lonely?

    Loneliness is a new epidemic in our times and it comes from social isolation; feeling alone. Yet though loneliness is inevitable, it is also avoidable.

  • The Evolution of Community

    “Community” today is not what it was in the past. Brew a mug of tea or coffee and settle in on the porch for the longest post ever at LFI. We’ve got a lot to talk about!

  • Community and Chaos

    Most people feel chaos means the end for the group. That beautiful camaraderie we’d been enjoying, that harmony, peace, and fun – are all disintegrating. But, wait! The fun is only just beginning!

  • Why Community?

    Why is community important? Why do I love community and community building? In this post, I delve into 2 “Whys” and 1 “Why Not?”