Articles Posted in the " reality " Category

  • How Can We be Sure of What We Know?

    My daughter is studying for her PhD in clinical psychology. As you can imagine, this makes for many interesting conversations! Recently she told me she had learned that we only look for evidence to support what we believe; we..

  • If a Tree Falls in the Forest…

    Recently I had the opportunity to hear a keynote speaker at a psychology conference at Ottawa University. At the conference Dr. Mario Beauregard presented his research on the neuroscience of consciousness. I scribbled notes quickly as he..

  • How to Create Your Personal GPS

    I was listening to Dr. Joe Dispenza on YouTube and I noticed he often says, as human beings we have the ability to make thought more real than anything else. That idea intrigued me. As I pondered..

  • Are You in the Twilight Zone?

    Melody is a regular here at Life, for instance. Melody shares her knowledge of the Law of Attraction at deliberate and today she’s hosting here! Take it away Melody! Lori asked me a question the other..

  • Your Reality – or Mine?

    I read a great article the other day by Bob Burg about listening. Listening well is extremely difficult to do when someone close to you has a problem and you believe you have answers, because if you..