Why Do You Read?

Why Do You Read?

We welcome Melanie Thompson back for her second guest post! I loved what Melanie did on her blog so I asked her to come over and start the conversation here! She poses a deeper question here; not only what are you planning to read, but why do you read!

I love getting lost in a book. Reading a great book can mean travelling to a whole other time or place. I used to devour books, read whole sections of the library and be delighted to find books that would take me days, not hours, to read. I read because I like the feeling of putting myself in someone else’s shoes for a small time, to try out different emotions, scenery and experiences.

Then I went to university where reading in excess was mandatory and time to get lost in a book slowly dwindled. Since leaving University I’ve tried to ramp back up to my former love of reading and appetite for it and I think 2012 will be a great year for it.

I’ve already started a reading list for the year that I expect will grow exponentially as months go by. I’m not sure how new motherhood might affect that, but time will tell.

The following are some books I plan to read this year:

1. The Hunger Games Series: The movie will be coming out soon and I heard great things about the books. I have already devoured 2 with the last one holding a few short pages until I leave that world behind.

2. Heaven is for Real: Looking forward to this story about a boy’s account of heaven.

3. Kids Are Worth It: This was recommended from my mom to prep me for the little bundle that’s coming.

4. Oh, Baby The Places You Will Go! This book I will continue to read this year to our little Baby T. It’s a book meant to be read to your baby in eutero and was given to my hubby and I by my sisters.

5. The Happy Place: This is a book I’m sure you are all familiar with by now. I want to take a really good and slow read through this year and really absorb it to make sure I got everything out of it that I can.

What books will you be reading this year? Let’s build a list!

photo credit: o5 com

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