Search results for "community building"

  • What in the World is Going On?

    We are resilient, empathetic, strong and compassionate.  These are not merely the characteristics of people in a crisis; these are the characteristics that reveal themselves when people are in a crisis.

  • Do You Have a Tribe?

    Why did I put a photo of a drum on the cover of Sounding the Drum, why we need our tribes now more than ever, and what we can do about it? It’s all in this short article!

  • How Do You Achieve Balance in Your Life?

    Work-life balance? It seems ironic that we called it “work-life” balance because many people who engage in this struggle consider their work to be their life.  Do you remember the heyday of the Blogosphere when we had..

  • An Ending – and a Beginning

    A Master’s degree (at sixty!) Yep – I made it through LOL. Come by the LFI porch so you can see what I’m doing with this degree! Maybe there is some collaboration for us in the future!