

My name is Lori Gosselin and I’m glad you’re here! Life, for instance is a gathering place where we come together to talk about life. I think of it as a porch where introspective people sit and relax and talk about the things that matter; the most important thing we all have in common, the thing we rush through so fast most days we forget to even think about it;

Life, for instance.


Many Hats

I’ve got a lot going on in my life.  In 2011 I published my first book, The Happy Place.  It’s available in all the Amazon stores.  If you read it, I’d love it if you’d write a review!

Spending time here connecting with other bloggers in the Heyday of the Blogosphere when blog hopping was an all-day and evening activity, then taking the conversation offline to video meetings helped me to see what my friends have always recognized (seems I talk about community a lot) – I am a community builder.

In February of 2017, I published my second book, Sounding the Drum: Community Building in the Digital Age.

Now, after going back to school to get a Master of Organizational Management degree,  I’m starting a company to grow communities everywhere.  It’s called Kalliergo Community Building Corporation.

I invite you to make a mug of tea or coffee and hop up on the porch to enjoy some good conversation and to learn a lot more about community building!


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Life! We’re all in this together: let’s talk about it!

photo credit: Sonia Lovas

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