13 Years – a Blogaversary

Spoiler Alert: I’m going to become sentimental!
Thirteen Years!
I can’t believe it’s been thirteen years since I decided to start a blog.
Starting this blog opened up so many things in my life that I never could have anticipated back in 2010.
I created Life,forinstance.com as a platform for the marketing of my first book, The Happy Place. The conversations about life we had in the comments led to the recognition of another passion burning within me – community building – and the writing of my second book, Sounding the Drum: Community Building in the Digital Age.
Ottawa and theKalliergo.com
After going back to school to get my Master of Organizational Management degree, and incorporating my business, I relocated to Ottawa.
My timing has not been stellar. I moved to Ottawa in 2020. Yeah, I know, right? Since then, the timing has not improved. Sometimes I feel as if I’m trying to sell ice cream while the world is on fire because it is, isn’t it? Few have time, energy, bandwidth, or money to apply to ice cream. But I continue to work on my ice cream stand, reinforcing and improving my tools and programs and offering videos about community building while the world sorts things out so I am all the more ready to serve when the time is right.
Reiki Master
Meanwhile, I want to share another of my passions: Reiki Healing Energy Work. I’m a Reiki Master Healer with nearly twenty years of experience in energy work which includes Quantum Touch, QiGong, Sound Healing (singing bowl), Oracle Card Readings, and of course, Reiki.
A Reiki session treats mind, body, and spirit, connecting you to the magical world of guidance and support that is there for you. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love doing these sessions!
Thirteen years ago, I wouldn’t have mentioned this on the LFI Porch as my clientele had to be in Riverview where I lived. But today, thanks to technology like Zoom, I can offer healing sessions online to anyone anywhere in the world. My price for a session? $130.00 CAD.
Reach out to me! (Email is best: loriagosselin@gmail.com)
More Magic
I also want to mention two meaningful changes in my life; the arrival of a grandson (now 3 years old) and a granddaughter (3 weeks old). Talk about connecting to magic!
A Reunion?
I hope your life is humming along as best it can in these strange times. Wouldn’t it be great to do a Reunion-of-Bloggers-Hangout to talk about it? Contact me privately if you’d like me to set it up – all are welcome! The email address is above.
Photo by Simon Harmer on Unsplash