Monthly Archives: October 2014

  • If a Tree Falls in the Forest…

    Recently I had the opportunity to hear a keynote speaker at a psychology conference at Ottawa University. At the conference Dr. Mario Beauregard presented his research on the neuroscience of consciousness. I scribbled notes quickly as he..

  • Is Your Life like a Jigsaw Puzzle?

    I’m working on my second book and I have noticed that the process I use for writing is similar to the process used for doing a jigsaw puzzle. At first I threw my ideas down without editing..

  • Do You Wait for the Other Shoe to Drop?

    Business had been brisk, very brisk. Then, for a few days, it was quiet and I began to worry. I mentioned this to a friend who had recently experienced this in her business. “Yes,” she commiserated, “we seem..

  • Are You Afraid?

    I know I’ve said before it’s as if the world wants us to be afraid, but that’s not completely true. In the world of Marketing, it seems there is a lot to be afraid of, but businesses..