Community building is my area of expertise, not copywriting so I occasionally use ChatGPT. When I realized it didn’t understand what I meant by “community”, I knew I had to have a conversation about it. This is a long post but in my defence, ChatGPT had a LOT to say!
At 124 words, this is one of the shortest posts in LFI history! Also, you may notice that I’m using to get these emails to you as the service I used until now is no longer functioning. Note: this means you missed the last (and so important) post: Please check it out and share it with your Ottawa friends. Thanks!
Authenticity means being Who You are, but how can you be who you are until you know who you are? The journey to authenticity is not an easy one; in fact, it is one that most people don’t even attempt.
Where in the world do you feel the happiest? In a community, of course! Come to Lifeforinstance and see why.
This is the fourth article about community leading up to the publication of my book this fall. Have you experienced the collaboration of a genuine community? Consensus will be discussed!
Today we’re talking about the role of leadership in a community. Are you a leader? (Of course, you are!) A real community is a group of ALL leaders. Hmm… let’s talk about that!
We’re gathering at the LFI porch! We’re talking about communities—and cliques! We all need a place where we belong but there is a huge difference between the two. Drop by and share your thoughts!
We’re talking about how it feels to be in a community and the first step in building one.