You are the Superhero in your life when you activate this life-changing power within you.
Transition and adjustment; life’s constants. The sooner we accept and embrace them, the better our lives will be.
There are two kinds of lives: ordinary ones and extraordinary ones. Had you the choice, which one would you choose for yourself? Before you answer, you should know the cost of the extraordinary life. And of the ordinary one.
Have you seen the movie, The Giver? I remember reading the book with my children when they were young, and that the book had won a prestigious award so I was surprised to see this blast-from-my-past arriving..
“If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.” ~The Desiderata When you were a child did you believe life should be fair? ..
Never mind the dictionary definitions of these words. I’m talking about these ones: Victim: one who feels he or she is always getting the short end of the stick, who always has troubles galore and lives beneath..
Does the fact you’re alive mean you are facing some challenge now, maybe not a fun, chosen challenge? Is this just the way it is? I was thinking about my daughter’s career path the other day. It’s..
At breakfast the other day my husband posed an interesting question. He asked, “What would a perfect world look like?” We considered the idea. In a perfect world there would be no birth defects, no injury, no illness,..
Have you ever longed for an easier life? Do you ever wish your life drifted lazily along like a canoe on a calm lake on a peaceful summer morning? Or do you relish the challenges of life? ..