It’s Okay Not to be Doing Okay Right Now
We’re all dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety these days. An anonymous author on social media said of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic; we are not all in the same boat but we are all weathering the same storm. We’re all in this together, yes, but “this” is not impacting us all in the same way.
If you, like me, are an extrovert you may be struggling more than your introverted friends. If you are able to keep your job/income and work from home, you are in a better boat than others who have lost their incomes, but possibly not as good a boat as those who are still able to go out to work each day and maintain a feeling of normalcy – unless they are on the front lines, which can come with its own kind of anxiety. So many different boats.
By the end of my sixth week of social distancing, I found myself struggling a lot so I reached out to a friend who has a long porch along the front of her house and asked to have a socially-distanced visit with her. I invited another friend to come to my back deck where we could sit far enough apart and enjoy coffee together.
Reaching out for help is not something I do easily but I’m glad I reached out: I was surprised to learn I was not the only one who felt the way I did.
Still, I can’t complain. I don’t personally know anyone who has contracted the disease. So many people are dealing with loss and grief. I know grief; I don’t wish it on anyone.
Do you notice how often, lately, people say they can’t complain? We don’t want to complain, but we need to allow ourselves to feel our feelings. Human beings are social animals, not meant to be separated like this. But we will get through this.
Hang in there – light is beginning to diffuse into the tunnel.
It will be okay.
Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash