While we are dealing with COVID changes in the academic world, we must not forget to address this, too often missing, link in online teaching.
I’ve been thinking, as we all have, about the “new normal” and how we will handle it. These are my thoughts on the subject. Come share yours!
We don’t want to complain, but we need to allow ourselves to feel our feelings. Social animals are not meant to be separated like this.
We are resilient, empathetic, strong and compassionate. These are not merely the characteristics of people in a crisis; these are the characteristics that reveal themselves when people are in a crisis.
What’s going on in the world today is a global example of a crisis community. Here’s what we can learn from it.
This Leadership Program is for leaders in any sector (they don’t have to all be in one organization) who want to learn how to lead their now-scattered-to-home members into communities in an online setting.
Eight ways to stay connected in these challenging times.
From our front porches, too, we can stay connected to our “neighbours”.