Welcome 2020

Do you, too, view 2020 as a year of perfect vision? I know 20/20 is not actually perfect vision (20/15 is better than 20/20) but play along with me for a moment, okay?
Imagine you had the power to look out into 2020 and see with perfect clarity what you will accomplish, experience, and enjoy this year. What would you want to see?
I see a year of exponential growth for Kalliergo Consulting, whose site is now live! I see fun and fulfilling Community collaborations with Community-minded people propelling this company forward. I see exciting programs, connections and possibilities.
I believe we all have a superpower, the power to make a decision. And what a great time it is to exercise that power!
I wish you all the best in 2020.
Photo by Danil Aksenov on Unsplash