Would You Like to be in a Flash Mob?

You wouldn’t have to ask me twice! YES! I’d love to be in a flash mob!
I had never heard of flash mobs until I saw this tribute to Michael Jackson performed in Stockholm. I was hooked! Wouldn’t it be fun to be one of those dancers? What great energy in that group! I imagine the fun of the practice sessions, the anticipation of surprising passers-by, but most of all, the fun of dancing in such a large group!
The second flash mob I saw reminded me why The Sound of Music was such a great movie. This flash mob that took place in Belgium was amazing! I love how there were kids involved and how the music changed from the movie soundtrack to disco music! Yay Belgium!
Then there was the Christmas flash mob singing the Hallelujah Chorus in a food court. I’ll be watching out for this when I’m Christmas shopping this year! As entertaining as it was, though, I prefer the dancing flash mobs.
My favourite flash mob, and you can rightly accuse me of being prejudiced since I am of Lebanese descent, was the one in the Beruit airport. I grew up learning the traditional dabke dance. When I was a child it was something novel; performed by children and aunts and uncles, associated with what we called the “old country.” Seeing young people in Lebanon doing the dabke is an experience I can’t capture with words.
How cool is this? It seems that all over the world, we’re doing flash mobs. What an amazing demonstration of optimism and generosity.
Have you ever been in a flash mob? What great ones did I miss? I wanna be in a flash mob. Who’s with me?
photo credit: cli1000