Business had been brisk, very brisk. Then, for a few days, it was quiet and I began to worry. I mentioned this to a friend who had recently experienced this in her business. “Yes,” she commiserated, “we seem..
Does the fact you’re alive mean you are facing some challenge now, maybe not a fun, chosen challenge? Is this just the way it is? I was thinking about my daughter’s career path the other day. It’s..
Look out LFI community! We’ve got Frank Jennings as our Guest Author today! Frank has been hanging around here for some time and I smile every time I see his avatar, not because it’s so cool, but..
“The way we see the problem is the problem.” Stephen R. Covey Do you want a life without problems? I do. You don’t have to ask me twice. Honestly, I’ve had enough of problems in my life..
Please welcome Jon Hearty, our Guest Blogger today! Jon works for Livefyre, the company who provides our wonderful comments system. His thoughtful, intelligent and generous contribution to the conversation is always appreciated. We’re happy that he agreed..
“I couldn’t wait for success so I went ahead without it.” ~ Jonathan Winters It isn’t easy to stay at the top of your game. We get excited about our projects and plans, we work at them for a..
Did you ever hear the story about the little boy who was trying to move a large boulder while his father stood by watching? The boy struggled, trying different methods without success. Finally he was ready to..
It was the “Question of the Week” last week and you bravely stepped up to the plate. You said you would increase productivity while reducing stress. You said you would worry less about what others thought of..
We are happy to welcome Jeremy Hicks who has been an active member of the lifeforinstance community since its launch in November. He also works at Livefyre, the amazing commenting system we use here. We appreciate his..