Do You Have Days When You Want to Quit?

Is today one of those days? What am I doing, you ask, where is this going? Will I ever get there?
The other day I had a visit a with good friend who with her husband is renovating a house in a commercial area to create a restaurant. There is an enormous amount of work involved in this project. We shared a cup of coffee and commiserated with one another. You see, at the time I was involved in a pretty big renovation project myself.
As my friend and I shared stories about our respective projects I recognized a theme; both projects consisted of the dealing with and the solving of one problem after another. After we’d both vented and drained our coffee cups we laughingly concluded that business is the “business” of problem-solving.
We long to reach that bright spot when we can coast, when things go smoothly and we can relax. But does that happen? Sandi says there is no finish line and I think she’s right. In business as in life problems occur regularly.
Maybe we need a different word for “problem”. Adopting a different could inspire a more positive, empowering attitude. What if, for instance, rather than using the word problems we used “details”.
Some days, though, it’s better to just quit for the day and resume in the morning.
Do you think there is any path in life without its share of “details” to address? In business, school, a job, or even with a blog; don’t we all have days when we want to quit, at least until tomorrow? How do you deal with discouraging days?
Photo credit: CollegeDegrees360