Have You Missed Your Calling?

Choosing a career is something we do without the benefit of maturity or experience and we do it when we are so young our brains haven’t even finished developing yet. How can we know at that point in time what we should choose to do with our lives? When my children were in High School making their choices I encouraged them to find where their passions lie and follow them. I think that is the only compass on which we can rely.
I have progressed through and added on a few careers since I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts with an English Major. After a brief foray into a writing career, I started a business as a calligrapher. Later I became an essential oil distributor which evolved into Terra Cotta Pendants and introduced me to Reiki healing work. As I engage in discussion with my daughter about her psychology courses however, I sometimes wonder if I should have taken that path. I’m fascinated with psychology; how the mind words, why people are hurt and how to help them.
I’ve taken a long and winding path to get here but it seems I’m where I should be; talking with you about this thing called life. Writing was my first passion and maybe it will be my last career. Then again, who knows for sure?
Have you ever wondered if you should have taken a different path?
Photo credit: Brian Smithson