Merry Christmas from the LFI Porch!

Before you and I get lost in the Christmas festivities, I wanted to come onto the porch to put out the shortbread cookies, eggnog and apple cider in case anybody came by. I’m so glad you came! I wanted to have a chance to wish you a Merry Christmas! Help yourself to a shortbread and a mug of cider or eggnog and make yourself comfortable so we can all chat.
What do you do on the eve of one of the greatest days in the year? Assuming Christmas is something you celebrate, and assuming your feeling about Christmas are positive (that’s a lot of assumptions, I know) how do you spend this special day of preparation?
For me Christmas Eve has always been a day of anticipation. By the time this day dawns, I have my shopping finished, my baking done and either frozen, or, in the case of the Christmas morning sweet breakfast cake, thawing on a plate on the counter. The gifts are wrapped and hidden, the tree is sparkling, the house is decorated and the cranberry sauce is chilling in the fridge. Everything is ready for Christmas.
Later in the afternoon, we’ll dress and go to church. That’s when the waiting begins to end. After mass we’ll pile into my Dad’s house and prepare the hors d’oeuvres and chunk the tweed squares out of the pan, which, hopefully, no one has remembered to thaw because they are better eaten frozen!
We’ll sit around the tree feeling grateful for everyone who is here. We’ll miss Mom and this year we’ll miss Alex. We’ll do our best not to feel too sad missing those who are gone because many of us are still here.
After the hors d’oeuvres are gone and a few gifts are exchanged and opened we’ll clean up and head for home, noticing all the wonderful displays of brightly-lit houses as we drive down the country road to our home. Inside, I’ll produce the Christmas Pajamas from their hiding place. I’ll arrange the gifts under the tree before I head up to bed – yes, that’s my job, though I will notice additional presents lying there by morning.
What are your Christmas Eve traditions? What makes this day special for you?
I’ll be away from LFI after today, spending Christmas with my family but I’ll be back to say hi on New Year’s Eve. Have a safe and happy holiday!
photo credit: Matthew Kang