“If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.” ~The Desiderata When you were a child did you believe life should be fair? ..
There is one simple reason I have few if any regrets about the years when my children were small. I was a calligrapher long before I was an essential oil distributor or a manufacturer of Terra Cotta..
Wouldn’t it be great if there were a short cut to happiness? We’re busy trying to manifest things in our lives that we feel will bring us to that wonderful destination: happiness but we are missing something…
I believe Gratitude has a very high vibration and I believe in the Law of Attraction which says we attract more of what we vibrate. So it would follow that if we vibrate gratitude we attract more..
Who supports you no matter what’s going on in your life? We need to know there is someone there to support us, to be there when things don’t go well. Who’s got your back? I’m in a..
What do you think about when you’re not specifically focused on a task or activity? Do your thoughts run wild? Mine do and most of the time I’m not at all happy about where they go. It seems..