Articles Posted in the " life " Category

  • Are You Living in the Now?

     We are happy to welcome Stacey as our Guest Author today! If you’ve spent any time here at Life,forinstance, you’ve already been in conversation with StaceyMJHughes. She is an active and thoughtful contributor to the conversation. Today..

  • Do You Procrastinate?

    “How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward.” ~ Spanish Proverb I’ve been meaning to write this article for a long time but I kept putting it off.  If you didn’t laugh just..

  • Where’s Your Happy Place?

    “A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.” ~William Henry Davies Do you have a method of dispelling stress in your life? What do you do when life gets..

  • Criticism: Why Does it Sting?

    “Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a stranger.” ~ Franklin P. Jones Does it bother you when someone says something negative about your work, your appearance, your words?..

  • Who Are You – Really?

    “Be that self which one truly is.” Soren Kierkegaard There is a wonderful theory in sociology called Dramaturgy. Wikipedia says: “In dramaturgical sociology it is argued that human actions are dependent upon time, place, and audience”. Loosely..

  • Finding the Upside of a Down

     Please welcome Jon Hearty, our Guest Blogger today! Jon works for Livefyre, the company who provides our wonderful comments system. His thoughtful, intelligent and generous contribution to the conversation is always appreciated. We’re happy that he agreed..

  • What Do You Want?

    “I want to have fun. I want to shine like the sun. I want to be the one that you want to see. I want to knit you a sweater. I want to write you a love..

  • How to Stay Inspired

    “I couldn’t wait for success so I went ahead without it.” ~ Jonathan Winters It isn’t easy to stay at the top of your game. We get excited about our projects and plans, we work at them for a..