Happy New Year! Day one of a New Year sets the tone. Here’s how I’m intending to live 2019.
Transition and adjustment; life’s constants. The sooner we accept and embrace them, the better our lives will be.
Is life difficult or do we just take it that way. Hands-down – it’s difficult! Let’s talk about it.
What if there were a powerful way to change your brain and thereby change your life? What if that “way” were the posing of a single question?
Are you ready for 2017? What is your process? What are your plans? Here are my intentions for 2017. They all have to do with the number 2.
The year is drawing to a close. Have you thought about your plans for 2017? What exciting adventures await you in the New Year?
“I wish you vintage wine in every Coca-cola glass; an end to wishing signalling you’ve found forever at the end of now.” ~Rod McKuen I love this line of verse by Rod McKuen. It stayed with me..
Hi! I wanted to come to the porch to see you and to find out what you’ve been up to and to tell you what I’ve been busy with. I guess I’ll go first ;-) I’ve been..
As you know, I’ve reduced the number of posts at LFI to concentrate on the writing of my second book. But if you know me at all you probably guessed I’d come out to the porch from time..