What’s Your All-time Favorite Novel?

As fall descends on my part of the world, and the days get shorter and darker, I find myself craving a good read and planning a trip to my local library. To me, a visit to the library is like a retreat. I love the smell of old books and the hushed atmosphere. I am stilled by the near-reverence and awe I feel to be in the presence of so many books; books that I can take home with me! The possibilities for learning, for enjoyment, for escape are dizzying!
I always leave with no less than three books. But lately, I’ve been having a hard time finding a good read. So I’ve been asking readers, when I can corner one; “What’s your all-time favorite novel?”
Mine is A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. The story was so expertly crafted that I found it hard to believe it was a work of fiction. The characters stayed with me for days after I finished reading it as my mind collected and processed details I’d skipped over too quickly as I read. Don’t you hate it when you read a novel too fast and arrive at the end only to realize it is a treasure and you should have savored every page?
I’ve let years pass between re-reads in the hope I’ll have forgotten enough of the story to enjoy it again as if for the first time but A Prayer for Owen Meany is unforgettable.
What book do you love so much that you have re-read it more than once?
Photo credit: Casey Fleser