15 Cool Facts About Community

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about community; ask anyone who knows me. It doesn’t take much to start me on a rant :o What?! That’s not a community! Make the popcorn and take a seat. We’re going to be here for a while.
I was frustrated that so few people understood what community is according to Scott Peck, and, now, according to me. I tried to get people to read The Different Drum but people are so busy so the rants continued. My soap box was getting worn out.
So I decided to write a book about community, a concise guide on how to build it. As I researched it, Life threw lots of material and experiences my way that asked to be included in the book. The more I thought about community, and researched it, the more I understood the importance of community to us personally and globally. I learned that any one of us can build community when we know how.
Why should we build community? Here are 15 reasons why.
- Community building is fun!
- People who have a community are happier.
- People with a community recover faster from illness.
- People who have a community in their lives feel valued and important.
- Community gives you a broader, more holistic perspective on life.
- In Community, people can solve problems using consensus – so everyone is happy.
- People in community have more fun, even introverts. (I know you were wondering about that!)
- Community makes us feel less lonely, even when we are alone.
- Being part of a community means there is always someone to talk to.
- The collective thought-power of the members of a community exceeds that of any individual member.
- Community offers many perspectives on an issue so it’s the ultimate problem-solving vehicle.
- When you have a community you always have a home to return to.
- Community is our natural state.
- We all need community.
- Building community is some of the best fun you’ll have. (I already said that, didn’t I? Doesn’t matter – it’s worth repeating.)
Are you a community builder? What are your thoughts?
Photo Credit: tec_estromberg