Please welcome Jon Hearty, our Guest Blogger today! Jon works for Livefyre, the company who provides our wonderful comments system. His thoughtful, intelligent and generous contribution to the conversation is always appreciated. We’re happy that he agreed..
“I want to have fun. I want to shine like the sun. I want to be the one that you want to see. I want to knit you a sweater. I want to write you a love..
“I couldn’t wait for success so I went ahead without it.” ~ Jonathan Winters It isn’t easy to stay at the top of your game. We get excited about our projects and plans, we work at them for a..
We’re happy to introduce someone you probably already know if you’ve spent any time here; Bryan Cromlish, moderator and co-creator of Life,forinstance! We always appreciate his thought-provoking contribution to the conversation and are grateful that he’s agreed..
“You know you’re in love [with your life] when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” — Dr. Seuss A friend was visiting the other day. She was telling me about a..
When I started doing Sudoku I could solve the ‘easy’ puzzles but it took all my brain power to solve the ‘medium’ ones. I persevered (I’m stubborn that way) and over time I progressed through ‘medium’ to..
Did you ever hear the story about the little boy who was trying to move a large boulder while his father stood by watching? The boy struggled, trying different methods without success. Finally he was ready to..
In her wonderful book The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, Debbie Ford advises that you “attend your own lectures”, meaning you should pay attention to the advice you give to others. Chances are it is the..