Did your pet peeve come to mind when you read the question? Do you know what your greatest pet peeve is? Here’s mine. I purchased a box of clementines the other day for what appeared to be..
We welcome Stacey back today for another fun post! Did you know Stacey is blogging now over here? Enjoy what’s sure to be an enlightening conversation by asking yourself the question Stacey poses: do you have too..
The blogosphere fills a need in our world today for connectedness and support that used to be supplied by our neighbourhoods in the past. Take a walk with me through my neighbourhood here in the blogosphere.
Do you have a favourite food memory; a food you ate which forever consigned the time and place and company to unforgettable, delicious memory? I have a few which come to mind immediately. I remember coming home..
Hajra! Let’s talk about a perfect day! All of us dream of the perfect life. All of us yearn for a perfect day to say the least. But how many of us have the idea of what the..
Today the label “Community” is applied to any group of people who frequent the same place. That’s not necessarily a Community – it’s often just a group of people who frequent the same place. Some of these..
Today we welcome Galen Pearl as our guest author! You’ve seen Galen around Life, for instance, contributing thoughtful comments to the conversation. Galen blogs regularly at her place, here! Treat yourself to a visit! Okay then, take it..
We often talk about living in the now here at Life, for instance. There are numerous books about it, notably, The Power of Now. Years ago a friend loaned me that book but I couldn’t get into it,..
I love watching those amazing TED Talks. They represent years of thought, research, writing and teaching of the concepts about which the presenter is passionate all distilled into an eighteen-minute presentation! Imagine it’s you giving one of..