Today we welcome Hajra to host on the porch! Hajra blogs over here! Today she asks the question we don’t usually hear so early in the year but better too early than too late! Take it away Hajra!..
Hajra’s back with the last weekend post of 2012! As always she has found a fun and interesting topic for discussion! Not surprising, though, she does a great job over here! Take it away Hajra! There is a..
Hajra is back with her weekend post! I always enjoy the topics Hajra dreams up and the wonderful discussions they and she inspire. Are you ready for this? Take it away Hajra! Recently, I met a seven..
Hajra finds the most interesting topics. I didn’t even know what “nomophobia” meant until she brought it up as a topic suggestion. See what else Hajra is talking about over here! Take it away Hajra! Just a..
It’s another fun weekend post with our guest hostess, Hajra! If you haven’t yet met Hajra check out what she’s doing over here! Take it away Hajra! The other day Bill talked about cheating and how some..
Hajra is beautifully skilled in two areas which pertain to Life, for instance. She knows how to come up with a great topic and she knows how to keep the conversation lively! And one more thing –..
Hajra! Let’s talk about a perfect day! All of us dream of the perfect life. All of us yearn for a perfect day to say the least. But how many of us have the idea of what the..
Let’s welcome Hajra today to bravely tackle a topic we usually avoid. Hajra is very active around the Blogosphere, engaging in conversation on many blogs you probably visit yourself. She also blogs regularly here! Take it away Hajra!..