We’re happy to introduce someone you probably already know if you’ve spent any time here; Bryan Cromlish, moderator and co-creator of Life,forinstance! We always appreciate his thought-provoking contribution to the conversation and are grateful that he’s agreed..
We are happy to welcome Jeremy Hicks who has been an active member of the lifeforinstance community since its launch in November. He also works at Livefyre, the amazing commenting system we use here. We appreciate his..
In our family when we have something to celebrate, our celebration dinner begins with a shrimp ring. Someone got a high grade on a report card… have a shrimp ring; someone’s High School GPA is amazing… have..
I believe life is a grand adventure. You never know what is going to happen later on today, let alone tomorrow. We have successes and frustrations; accomplishments and struggles; joys and times of eating ice-cream right out..