Kalliergo Community Leadership Programs
What is Community Leadership?
Kalliergo Community Leadership programs teach leaders how to build community with a group of people. In these fully customized programs, participants not only learn how to build, guide, and maintain communities, they experience the community building process.
So what, then, is the value of community building, guidance and maintenance? Why should we even care about this?
The Value of Community
A true Community is a complex dynamic of relationships among members of the group and a sense of identity of the group itself. It’s a group of people who have built relationships that are inclusive, committed, authentic, and supportive. A Community is a mutually supportive group of people who enjoy their time together, who communicate effortlessly, and who collaborate respectfully together.
“Community” although akin to “tribe”, “clan” or “team”; is like the highest vision of family you can imagine.
The World Needs More Community
Community building addresses our loneliness epidemic as little else can.
Now, more than ever, the world needs leaders who know how to build, guide and maintain communities.
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Photo by Gary Butterfield on Unsplash