Growing up on the east coast of Canada, I’ve lived through my share of winter’s school-cancelling snow days. I’ve identified four different types of snow days; each one different from the rest. When I was a kid..
How adept are you at accepting responsibility for what happens in your life? We like to accept responsibility for the good things, but those bad things….nah! That just happened, it was the energy, the moon, my genes,..
It was the “Question of the Week” last week and you bravely stepped up to the plate. You said you would increase productivity while reducing stress. You said you would worry less about what others thought of..
In 2008 at a commencement address at Harvard J.K. Rowling spoke of the value of failure. We all know her story. Wikipedia reports that she “progressed from living on benefits to multi-millionaire status within five years.” Twelve..
Do you ever wonder why we know what we want to do but we don’t do it? I’m not merely referring to New Year’s Resolutions, but to anything useful we learn. We read a great book which..
My favorite exercise is walking in the woods behind our house, particularly in the winter. When fresh snow covers the ground I feel like a child; I want to go out and play! If the snow is..
We are happy to welcome Jeremy Hicks who has been an active member of the lifeforinstance community since its launch in November. He also works at Livefyre, the amazing commenting system we use here. We appreciate his..
Travel changes us; there is no doubt about that. Travel removes us from the familiar routine that sometimes puts us to sleep back home. It broadens our perspective. When we go away we are able to see ourselves..
Am I a workaholic? No, not me! Sure, maybe I do return to the computer after supper, but just for something to do as I sip my tea. Oh, OK, sometimes I neglect the tea until it’s too cold..
Our guest Author today is Bill Dorman! If youR...
Please help me welcome Ingrid Abboud, better known...
We’re fortunate today to have Claudia Anders...
Fourteen years! I know; I become nostalgic at anni...
Spoiler Alert – Nostalgic Sentiments Will Be...
Community building is my area of expertise, not co...