What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name? Everything!

I have always believed that the name we assign to something was very important.  Maybe this is why it took me so long to find the right name for my Community-building company.  I felt it had to be perfect – and I believe the one I found is.

Kalliergo – a Name Rich in Symbolism

  1. Kalliergo is the Greek word for “grow”.  It addresses the heart and soul of the company because Community building is all about growth – personal growth, cultural growth, organizational growth, global growth.
  2. Using a Greek word is meaningful to me because of the life-changing trip to Greece whose events inspired my first book which started me on the path I’m on today.
  3. According to this page,  “kalli” means “an exquisite deep thinking woman that’s honest.  Too honest – often blunt.”  I’m not sure about the “exquisite” part but the “thinking too deeply” and the “being too honest” parts sound like me.
  4. In 1981, I registered my first business, a calligraphy business.  I learned that the word “calligraphy” came from the Greek words “calli” and “graphos” and meant “beautiful writing”.  So, in my mind, kalli means beautiful.  The fact that this prefix connects this company to my first business is pure poetry.
  5. Finally, Kalliergo contains the first two letters of my son’s first name (Alex) and the first two letters of his last name (Gosselin).  I love this!  It means Alex is a part of the company.  Community and Alex are entwined: I don’t know how I would have survived when he died without the support of my Community.

Kalliergo is a Go!

At Kalliergo, we work with managers and educators; outliers – people who want to do better than the status quo and know how important the foundation of authentic relationships is to the success of an organization.  We show leaders how to increase engagement, collaboration, work-place satisfaction and retention in their organizations.

The Kalliergo mission: to spread Community consciousness around the globe, growing Communities together.


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About The Author

I have always loved writing and community building. I’ve written a book about healing and happiness, The Happy Place, as well as a Community Building book, Sounding the Drum: Community Building in the Digital Age,both available at any Amazon store. I’ve been through life changes that I thought were the end of my world, but I’m still here. You never know what will happen next. Isn’t that what makes life interesting?