I had a wonderful uncle who was big and tough and just a little scary, at least to me when I was younger. Whenever I went to town and visited him and my aunt he would bark..
If you read my book, The Happy Place, you know how much I admire Dr Joe Dispenza and his book, Evolve Your Brain. If you’ve ever wondered why it’s so hard to change yourself or your life..
I was watching an episode of Anger Management on TV the other day. The main character, Charlie, lost his cell phone and was unable to call his girlfriend, ex-wife or daughter on a borrowed phone because he didn’t..
I love the autumn! It’s my favourite time of year. Who could not love the way the earth morphs into the most beautiful colors, as if making a final curtain-call before settling into the white of winter?..
Do you ever feel as if you have little if any control over things that happen in your life? I’ve been feeling this way recently. For some time now we’ve been harassed by telemarketers and I was..
I’m very proud to introduce my daughter, Natasha Gosselin, and her colleague, Sophie-Claire Valiquette-Tessier, as guest authors today on the porch. This post springs from the research they are each doing for their graduate theses in psychology…
When my children were young I used to tell them that if they were going to make an assumption they should make one that would allow them to feel good. Assumptions are guess-work anyway. And it’s never..
We connect with our friends and family more and more now with our mobile devices but if we unplugged temporarily, would we be left feeling alone in a crowd? I was talking with my sister-in-law recently and..
“When you’re up to your armpits in alligators, it’s hard to remember that your original goal was to drain the swamp.” I had a great chat with Mark Harai on Facebook the other day and I asked..