We are on the doorstep of a whole new decade. It got me thinking – come over to the LFI porch for cocoa and one more chat before 2019 – and this decade – ends.
We’re having a reunion! If you have been a part of the blogging community as a blogger or a visitor, mark the date and get ready for Blogosphere Reunion 2020!
Community building is very different from team building in these four ways.
Nine years?! Whaaaa? I do become a little nostalgic at times like this. Come to the porch to celebrate with me!
3 principles of community building – significantly different from team building.
One of my shortest posts ever! Are you happy at work? Read this (again – short) post and contact me if you resonate with it! Because I can help.
Five reasons the name Kalliergo is a perfect name for my new community building company!
I’ve recently learned that my prices are a bargain-basement value – when compared to the value of retaining good employees – and more. What do you think community building is worth? Come and see what I learned!