Are You Living Your Ideal Life?
And perhaps more importantly, do you believe that it’s possible to live an ideal life?
I have thought a lot about my ideal life since I read Melody’s post which I talk about here. I lay in bed at night imagining how my future looks. I already live a nearly-ideal life now.
That will sound strange to you if you know I lose my son Alex a year ago. I don’t mean to say that an ideal life means an easy life, without sorrow, suffering or pain. Sabrina expertly dispels the myth of an easy life here. As she says, an ideal life, like any life, is not without its share of problems, grief or struggles. An ideal life is one in which we set our sails and chart our course and persevere through the stormy times until we make our way back into the calm waters.
I believe it is important to have a picture of the life you want to be leading while at the same time recognizing all the blessings that surround you in the one you presently occupy. The picture is the course you chart.
What does my chart comprise? I don’t see myself ever retiring. I love what I do. I see my grandchildren coming over to fill orders and package Terra Cotta Pendants and tie knots – any age-appropriate tasks that we can hire them to do. I see Life, for instance , the perfect medium for a writer, continually growing and eventually generating an income from sponsors. I see my books selling steadily. I see a small healing work (Reiki) practice in my home.
I see us healthy, peaceful, living here in the country. I see the new sun/meditation/puzzle room/ library with the best view of the property completed (yeah – it’s all one room and it’s going to be amazing!) In fact, I see the whole house completed – renovations we’ve planned for the house since the day we moved in!
It’s a beautiful picture, made up of many different dreams, which keeps me motivated now to count my blessings and cultivate an attitude of gratitude while I navigate these still-challenging seas. I have much to be grateful for.
Are you living your ideal life? Do you believe it’s possible? What does your ideal life look like?
Photo credit: Lori