Articles Posted in the " problem " Category

  • Are You Living an Extraordinary Life?

    There are two kinds of lives: ordinary ones and extraordinary ones. Had you the choice, which one would you choose for yourself? Before you answer, you should know the cost of the extraordinary life. And of the ordinary one.

  • How Enlightened are You?

    Are you an enlightened human being? Are you able to weather the storms of life without hiding below deck, curled up in a ball on your bunk or clinging in terror to the rail? I want to..

  • Will You Prevail?

    I have mentioned already that I’ve been taking a Positive Psychology course  at (which I highly recommend). On re-listening today I picked up something I missed on the first listen. The instructor is talking about the..

  • Is Life Supporting You?

    Things were not going well for me. The problems were coming so fast I barely had any time to catch my breath after I’d solved one problem before the next problem showed up. I kept solving problems;..

  • Are You a Victim or an Adventurer?

    Never mind the dictionary definitions of these words.  I’m talking about these ones: Victim: one who feels he or she is always getting the short end of the stick, who always has troubles galore and lives beneath..