“Happiness isn’t a place you need to get to; Happiness is where you are when nothing can get to you.” ~ Lori Gosselin Happiness is something I’ve long thought about. I’m not sure why; I’ve been a..
I was listening to Dr. Joe Dispenza on YouTube and I noticed he often says, as human beings we have the ability to make thought more real than anything else. That idea intrigued me. As I pondered..
I was reading an article, Top 9 Things to Remember When Life is Not Going Your Way, and the point that struck me was this one: Learn to celebrate small wins. What sterling advice! I don’t usually..
Does this ever happen to you? You find yourself feeling uncomfortable, sad or out-of-sync with what you believe you should be feeling. So you judge the feeling, ignore it or shoo it away in an attempt to..
My website got hacked earlier this month. Not LFI but Terra Cotta Pendants. It took me the better part of eleven days to get everything up and running properly again. It was an excruciatingly upsetting time. I..
It seems to me that often how we feel about what is happening in the present moment is not really about what is happening. Our struggle to be in the moment is often a valiant one because..
Last summer we received some bad health news about someone in my family. My first response was shock followed by sadness then I sank into a feeling of helplessness. When I shared this with a friend he..
We welcome Melanie Thompson back for her second guest post! I loved what Melanie did on her blog so I asked her to come over and start the conversation here! She poses a deeper question here; not..
Growing up, most of us heard the Fairy Tales that are usually read to children and we learned a lot from them. We learned to fear the big bad wolf, and to “stay on the path”. We..