This is simple but it’s not easy. Still; it’s well worth the work if your guiding principle as a parent is that your children are loved, valued, empowered problem-solvers in an anything-but-easy adult world.
“Happiness isn’t a place you need to get to; Happiness is where you are when nothing can get to you.” ~ Lori Gosselin Happiness is something I’ve long thought about. I’m not sure why; I’ve been a..
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” ~Socrates Pick the Brain publishes wonderful articles. They always get me thinking and make me want to share those thoughts to you to see what you think. What struck me..
There is one simple reason I have few if any regrets about the years when my children were small. I was a calligrapher long before I was an essential oil distributor or a manufacturer of Terra Cotta..
When my husband was just a little boy his older brother woke him one Christmas Eve so he could witness his older sister surreptitiously filling the stockings. The message: there was no Santa Claus providing gifts –..
I’m very proud to introduce my daughter, Natasha Gosselin, and her colleague, Sophie-Claire Valiquette-Tessier, as guest authors today on the porch. This post springs from the research they are each doing for their graduate theses in psychology…
Melanie is a mom of an eight-month old, adorable (and the fact he’s my great nephew has nothing to do with my saying this) little boy. Becoming a mother has caused her to look at the world differently…
I was fortunate to have the opportunity to attend a talk given by Barbara Coloroso when she came to town several years ago. My children were young then so her down-to-earth, brilliant parenting advice came at a..
Have you ever noticed how much your parents’ advice shaped the person you are and the life you lead? So many things Mom and Dad said stayed with me, guided and supported me and even altered the..