Do You Get Excited About Christmas?

Do You Get Excited About Christmas?

Do you nurture that little child within who was so excited about Christmas? I do. I enjoy every moment of this time of happy anticipation.

When I was a child, the magic of Christmas began on the day the Christmas catalogue appeared at our door. I could hardly wait to sit with it and pour over it’s colorful pages to make my mental wish list. No shoddy marketing in a catalogue called a “Wish Book”. (It’s online now as well as in print!) They knew how to build on the excitement this child felt.

My niece Melanie’s post got me thinking about decorating. Wondering what I could do with my mantle that would be different and interesting this year,  I Googled “best Christmas decorating ideas” in images and found this! So much inspiration at the ready!

I’ve made my list and I’m checking things off: baking – 50%  finished, shopping – 95% finished,  Christmas cards – mailed, decorating – done except for the tree which we’ll do when the kids are home!  I save the wrapping so I can do it while watching the Christmas Specials on TV.

What gets you into the Christmas spirit? Is it the baking, the shopping in the stores filled with colorful decorations? It is planning and making presents? Is it the decorating, the houses in your neighborhood slowly being lit up at night, the snow? What about the Christmas Specials on TV; what’s your favorite?

Do you get excited about Christmas?

photo credit: Joe Buckingham

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About The Author

I have always loved writing and community building. I’ve written a book about healing and happiness, The Happy Place, as well as a Community Building book, Sounding the Drum: Community Building in the Digital Age,both available at any Amazon store. I’ve been through life changes that I thought were the end of my world, but I’m still here. You never know what will happen next. Isn’t that what makes life interesting?