The Inspired Life of a Blogger

Welcome Claudia to The Life of a Blogger Series! Claudia is a versatile blogger who has been inspired to start not one not two but four blogs! That’s an inspired blogger! See links to these blogs in the post! Take it away Claudia!
True confession…I have always loved writing. In my naïve youth, I wrote poetry, songs and stories. I kept a journal, lost many years ago, into which I unabashedly poured my feelings.
But time moved on and I became a responsible grown up.
I got a job, got married, had children, went back to school, started a new career, upgraded my life partner, got a farm and built a new business. Writing? Hah! I didn’t even have time for reading, let alone writing.
And then I found blogging.
Blogging set my passion for writing free. I was able to blog about life’s journey, about my dental practice and about my social media coaching business. I even started a photography blog to share my latest passion. When I first started blogging, I was unstoppable. I was glued to my computer and anxious to not only expound on the topic of the day but, I wanted to visit and comment on every blog that I could possibly find that appealed to me. Eating became an annoying interruption…coffee my savior. In-real-life activities were sidelined. Relationships were put on hold. I was addicted to the world of blogging. I was living the dream…I was living the life of a blogger.
Until it sucked me dry.
And now? Now I blog when I want to blog. I’ve gone from stressing over unrealistic posting schedules to posting only when I feel drawn to share a message. On occasion I still have to tame that loud nagging voice in my head reminding me that search engines need me to provide fresh content or I’m never going to be found. In fact, ironically, I coach others about the importance of generating fresh content on their websites. I still struggle. But, I’m happier now blogging when I want to blog. Typically, you can tell when I have been bitten by the writing bug because I will be posting in both of my business blogs on the same day. And recently, I’ve even resurrected that “life’s journey” blog with the intent to “journal” about the reinvention of life once again.
My take away?
Blog responsibly. Seriously. If you have a business or if you just want to write, blog what you love and love what you blog. Blogging should enhance your online experience, not make it more stressful. Try not to compare your blog to others. Try not to count on comments as a measure of your blogging worth. Find your voice and blog your passion.
Does blogging stress you out? Or do you love to blog? Is time management an issue in your life as a blogger?
Would you like to tell your story? Email me and I’ll send you the Guidelines for submitting your contribution.