The Introspective Life of a Blogger

This is a new series here at LFI, The Life of a Blogger. You will note there is an additional word in the title. That’s the word that will be added by the blogger featured that day. Each blogger will also contribute a photo of his or her work space so we can actually peek into their lives. (Yes, this is where I write.) I will kick off this series with my own contribution to get the ball rolling. Here goes:
Although I’ve wanted to write since I was about nine years old, and have written plenty, I never imagined that I would start a blog. But with social media emerging as the best way to promote a product and with a product to promote (Terra Cotta Pendants, our online-store, family business) I thought I’d give it a try.
I published my first blog post on November 1, 2010. I had jumped in with both feet and I loved it! I have since come to appreciate that blogging is a pure, unadulterated gift to the writer brave enough to start a blog.
I had no idea how much blogging would positively impact my life. I saw my life as a story before I became a blogger. Doesn’t every writer? But when I became a blogger it intensified. Now a casual dinner conversation would get me thinking, “I should blog about that!” or a troubling thought I was writing about in my journal would expand into a blog post. Blogging was changing my life by shedding a new light of awareness on it.
I gradually saw that blogging was affording me the amazing opportunity to connect with people around the globe and to share these questions about life. Together we were dissecting and boiling it down and supporting one another on this phenomenal trek called life. Through the process we were community building.
There is little in life that I enjoy more than the feeling of being a part of a community. I’m still not sure a group of people from around the world who gather sporadically or regularly; visibly or stealthily here on the porch can become a a true community, but I’m holding out hope that it can.
Do you see your life as a story? Do you think it is only extroverts who blog or do introverts share this platform as well? Have you ever wanted to start a blog or have you already taken the glorious leap?
Would you like to tell your story? Email me and I’ll send you the Guidelines for submitting your contribution.