The Multi-Faceted Life of a Blogger

Today Joy Holland shares her intriguing blogging story in the Life of a Blogger series! Joy has an exciting new project on the go! Check it out! She blogs regularly over here! Take it away Joy!
I began blogging several years ago while living aboard a sailboat with my two children.
That blogging venture changed my life, evolving from a hobby to an online career. Those written messages and photos have become the foundation of my e-courses and services. The online connections I have made have become some of my closest offline friends.
As a single mother, I choose to work while my children are in school and sleeping; allowing me to be fully present with them outside of school. This means that, while my peers are “plugged in”, I am cooking breakfast and driving car pool. And it also means that I sometimes wake super early in the day, or work long hours at night, to make up for the difference. However, because I have afternoons and weekends “off”, each day is full of play and celebration, which then allows me to be incredibly energized and focused for work.
Although I use the word work, this is my passion and purpose; a joy to experience. Even in the moments that I might potentially feel overwhelmed, I understand fully that I am living my dream, and that gratitude infuses all that I do.
I typically work for about six concentrated hours each day while my children are in school. I work from local cafes and coffeehouses near their school. However, I enjoy the freedom to meet friends for lunch, hike a local trail, walk at the beach, or check out a museum exhibit; I tend to do so a few times a week.
There are numerous responsibilities and activities that fill my day, none of which have anything to do with the craft of weaving words into enriching reflections. These tasks include: website maintenance, facilitating my e-courses, dealing with daily email, responding to comments on my articles, reading and commenting on my peers’ articles, creating newsletters, spending at least an hour within my personal groups on Facebook, Skyping with peers and friends.
When school is out, I pick up my children and we enjoy our afternoon and evening.
Learning to be fully present in the moment allows me to enjoy the day as it unfolds. I don’t feel busy, I feel fulfilled and enlivened.
What method do you use to navigate through your day? Do you have a favorite local place that inspires your creative expressions? What part of your day feels most enriching?
See other posts in the Life of a Blogger series here! We would love to hear your blogging story! Email me and I’ll send you the Guidelines for submitting your contribution.