The Authentic Life of a Blogger

The Authentic Life of a Blogger

Today we welcome Janet Louise Stephenson, a blogger I’m just getting to know, to share her blogging story. Janet writes about personal transformation here. Take it away Janet!

After a lifetime of people-pleasing, I made a commitment to myself several years ago to embark on a journey to fully embrace who I am and make every effort, in every situation, to present an authentic version of myself.

And for me, presenting authenticity is a commitment that requires dedication! Occasionally, I feel inspired to write on a topic that pushes me out of my comfort zone of likeability. The recovering people pleaser in me still pauses for just a moment to get centered, re-committing to presenting the most authentic version of myself in that moment, and moving forward.

Blogging from this perspective has been both easier and more difficult than you might expect. On one hand, it’s easier to transition through your personal growth without being under the microscope of your long-time friends and family who expect you to play a certain role for them. Sharing myself with virtual strangers has, at times, felt much more comfortable than with my own circle. That being said, once people start to read the words that you write, it’s also humbling to be so exposed to such a wide audience!

To blog from an authentic perspective required that I get clear on what that really means. It’s rather popular in mainstream culture to drop a truth bomb full of sarcasm and then defend the statement by saying, “I’m just being real.”

While it’s perfectly acceptable to acknowledge and express emotion from an initial reaction, I find that this is rarely an authentic response. Authenticity requires a certain measure of vulnerability, transparency, and integrity. It’s much easier to spout off on any topic under the guise of ‘keeping it real’ than it is to dig a little bit deeper to access perspective from your inner wisdom.

I take my blogging inspiration from the happenings in my daily life. I catch myself framing daily interactions and events into blog posts, similar to how I imagine a photographer might view the world as a series of snapshots. For example, if I run out of gas for the third time in less than a month, and I’m waiting for assistance, I might jot down the outline for a post focused on the importance of putting fuel into our personal and emotional tanks: Check Your Fuel Gauge – Are You Running on Empty?

Have you made a commitment to present an authentic version of yourself in every situation? Have you ever caught yourself justifying a response by claiming to be ‘keeping it real’? Is it easier for you to step into authenticity with your long-time friends & family or in the virtual realm?

See other posts in the Life of a Blogger series here! We would love to hear your blogging story! Email me and I’ll send you the Guidelines for submitting your contribution.

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