The Dynamic Life of a Blogger

You’ve met Melanie here before! Melanie offers the third post in the series The Life of a Blogger. I open her fun and creative blog first when I see it bolded in my Reader and this is not just because of that sweet face I’ve been seeing there these past eight months! Here is her story!
I started blogging after moving away from home and sending out issues 1 and 2 of my own personal “newsletter” called Smiley Melly. From there I developed a blog of the same name. It started out as a way to make observations about life and to keep my family in the loop about what I was up to.
As my life has taken many twists and turns, so has my blog. From dating, to a newlywed, to homeowner to mother, my focus shifts with each new adventure. One thing that stays the same is my desire to share. I like having an outlet to capture moments of my life to later look back on. I also love connecting with people who are in similar places in their lives. I now blog at S{Thomp}ing Ground and just love having my own little stomping ground on the web.
There is something empowering about knowing others will read what I write. I don’t blog for a large readership, it is mostly to cater to family and friends who want a peek into our lives, but I openly and gladly welcome others into that bubble. I can write and have people all around the world hear those words. This is something that hasn’t been possible all of my lifetime (with the exception published authors) and it is exciting! I used to think I wanted to write a book. When I was young, I always thought I would, but now I see my blog as an outlet for messages I want to share.
My husband says it makes me do everything “prettier.” He often says, “You are just doing it like that because you want to blog it.” I deny it, but the truth is, I think that blogging gives me a unique perspective on my life which inspires me to be much more particular and aware of everything I do. It makes me take that extra time when making that meal, it makes me decorate a bit prettier for parties, it makes me want to capture more of our wonderful moments.
Are you still blogging for the same reason as the one which first inspired you? Does your blog evolve along with your life? Do you think blogging makes you do everything prettier?
Would you like to tell your story? Email me and I’ll send you the Guidelines for submitting your contribution.