What do You do on Christmas Eve?
On Christmas Eve we attend mass then we meet the rest of the family at my Dad’s house. There we say our first official, “Merry Christmas” and the festivities begin.
Dressed in our finery, happy and relaxed now that everything we could do to prepare for Christmas is done, we enjoy hors d’oeuvres, a drink and conversation. Sooner or later someone suggests we begin to open gifts. Dad used to resist this as much as Mom encouraged it. She was always excited to see us open her gifts. I get that. I’m the same way; I love the giving as much as the receiving.
We start to open gifts. We take photos and videos. In the silent moments as we look around the room at the faces of our loved ones we marvel that another year has passed and here we are all together once again, waiting for Christmas morning.
There’s a a sense of enchantment and mystery about this quiet night. It’s as if from this vantage point you can stand and look up and down the line of time; seeing Christmases past and imagining Christmases yet to come.
What do you do on Christmas Eve?
photo credit: Daita Saru