Articles Posted in the " life " Category

  • Is it Better to Have Loved and Lost…

    “I hold it true, whate’er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; ‘Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all.” -Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem In Memoriam:27, 1850 Growing up, I..

  • Your Reality – or Mine?

    I read a great article the other day by Bob Burg about listening. Listening well is extremely difficult to do when someone close to you has a problem and you believe you have answers, because if you..

  • Should You Keep That Secret?

    What do you do when something exciting happens in your life? Do you share it with someone close to you, someone who will understand and celebrate with you? Have you ever noticed that after you’ve shared your..

  • Why is Pretty So Important?

    Yay! It’s time for another fun Saturday post with Melanie! She always leads a lively debate! Check out Melanie’s renovated blog here! Take it away Melanie! Are you on Pinterest? I’ve been using the social site more and..

  • How Do You Respond to a Problem?

    I was fortunate to have the opportunity to attend a talk given by Barbara Coloroso when she came to town several years ago. My children were young then so her down-to-earth, brilliant parenting advice came at a..

  • What is Normal?

    I watched a great documentary program called Doc Zone recently, an episode called “The Age of Anxiety”. It was about the over-prescribing of drugs for what are now known as anxiety disorders. People interviewed said what we..