Dear LFI: How Do I Help My Friend?
This is the first post in the Dear LFI series where we will converge here on the porch to answer specific, personal, life-issue questions posed by anonymous contributors. Will you offer your thoughts on this issue?
What do I do when a friend has a serious problem and turns to me?
This is a friend whose business has gone downhill and whose house is in foreclosure. She has poor health, she’s depressed and she’s fearful of taking steps to improve her situation.
I am not a trained expert; rather I am someone who shares my own steps for growth via my blog. I have listened, suggested affirmations and things to think about, shared my own experiences with inertia, and tried to be encouraging. But her problems are really beyond me.
She doesn’t want to go to a counsellor because of past experience, plus she has no money for one. She has never belonged to a church, so I can’t send her to a minister. I want to help her but I don’t know what to do.
How do I help my friend?
photo credit: gfpeck
See other posts in the Dear LFI series here. Do you have a question for Dear LFI? Submit your question here!